JSON schema for v8r config files

Type: object
No Additional Properties


Type: integer
Remove cached HTTP responses older than cacheTtl seconds old. Specifying 0 clears and disables cache completely

Value must be greater or equal to 0


Type: object
A custom schema catalog. This catalog will be searched ahead of any custom catalogs passed using --catalogs or SchemaStore.org

schemas Required

Type: array of object
A list of JSON schema references. No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object
No Additional Properties
Type: string
A description of the schema

fileMatch Required

Type: array of string
A Minimatch glob expression for matching up file names with a schema.

All items must be unique

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

location Required

Type: string
A URL or local file path for the schema location

name Required

Type: string
The name of the schema
Type: string
A custom parser to use for files matching fileMatch instead of trying to infer the correct parser from the filename. 'json', 'json5', 'toml' and 'yaml' are always valid. Plugins may define additional values which are valid here.


Type: string
Output format for validation results. 'text' and 'json' are always valid. Plugins may define additional values which are valid here.


Type: boolean
Exit with code 0 even if an error was encountered. True means a non-zero exit code is only issued if validation could be completed successfully and one or more files were invalid


Type: array of string
One or more filenames or glob patterns describing local file or files to validate

Must contain a minimum of 1 items

All items must be unique

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string


Type: integer
Level of verbose logging. 0 is standard, higher numbers are more verbose

Value must be greater or equal to 0


Type: array of string
An array of strings describing v8r plugins to load

All items must be unique

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string
Must match regular expression: ^(package:|file:)